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Олимпиада по английскому язвку на тему "США" |
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Questions. №1
1. What is the capital of the USA? a) London b) New York c) Washington 2. Who discovered America? a) Christopher Columbus b) Christopher Wren c) Tomas Jefferson 3. Washington is named after: a) The first state in America b) The first president of America c) The river 4. What is the total area of the USA? a) 9,6 million km2. b) 60 million km2. c) 15 million km2. 5. How many stars and stripes are there on the American flag? a) 15 and 30 b) 50 and 13 c) 13 and 60 6. What is the national sport in America? a) Tennis b) Baseball c) Football 7. What are the colors of the flag? a) Red, white and blue b) Red, green and blue c) Red, yellow and blue 8. How many people live in America? a) 270 million people. b) 170 million people. c) 370 million people. 9. In the East the USA is washed by: a) The Indian Ocean, b) The Pacific Ocean, c) The Atlantic Ocean. 10. In the West the USA is washed by: a) The Atlantic Ocean, b) The Indian Ocean, c) The Pacific Ocean. 11. What is the highest mountain in the USA? a) The Cordillera, b) The Sierra Nevada, c) The Appalachia. 12. How many Great Lakes are there in America? a) 5 b) 6 c) 7 13. One of the Great Lakes is: a) Lake Pinto b) Lake Salt c) Lake Superior 14. The longest river in the USA is: a) Missouri b) Mississippi c) Michigan 15. The cultural level of America is: a) Very low b) Middle c) Very high 16. National flag of America is called: a) “States and Stripes” b) “Stars and States” c) “Stars and Stripes” 17. National anthem is: a) “The Star-spangled Panned” b) “The Star- spangled Banner” c) “The Star-spangled Manner” 18. National bird is: a) Bald parrot b) Bald eagle c) Bald cock 19. Americans measure the periods of time: a) In weeks b) In months c) In days 20. Write the right variant of American date (9 мая 2008 год) a) 05.09.08 b) 09.05.08 c) 08.09.05 21. Напишите названия тех Национальных парков, которые вы запомнили(на русском языке) Questions. №2 1.The USA is: a) The United Stars of America b) The Union States of America c) The United States of America 2. How many stars and stripes are there on the American flag? a) 15 and 30 b) 50 and 13 c) 13 and 60 3. What is the total area of the USA? a) 9,6 million km2. b) 60 million km2. c) 15 million km2. 4. How many Great Lakes are there in America? a) 5 b) 6 c) 7 5. Washington is named after: a) The first state in America b) The first president of America c) The river 6. What are the colors of the flag? a) Red, white and blue b) Red, green and blue c) Red, yellow and blue 7. The cultural level of America is: a) Very low b) Middle c) Very high 8. One of the Great Lakes is: a) Lake Pinto b) Lake Salt c) Lake Superior 9. The longest river in the USA is: a) Missouri b) Mississippi c) Michigan 10. What is the national sport in America? a) Tennis b) Baseball c) Football 11. Who discovered America? a) Christopher Columbus b) Christopher Wren c) Tomas Jefferson 12. How many people live in America? a) 270 million people. b) 170 million people. c) 370 million people. 13. In the East the USA is washed by: a) The Indian Ocean, b) The Pacific Ocean, c) The Atlantic Ocean. 14. In the West the USA is washed by: a) The Atlantic Ocean, b) The Indian Ocean, c) The Pacific Ocean. 15. National bird is: a) Bald parrot b) Bald eagle c) Bald cock 16. National flag of America is called: a) Christopher Columbus b) Christopher Wren c) Tomas Jefferson 2. How many people live in America? a) 270 million people. b) 170 million people. c) 370 million people. 3. What is the capital of the USA? a) London b) New York c) Washington 4. Washington is named after: a) The first state in America b) The first president of America c) The river 5. What is the total area of the USA? a) 9,6 million km2. b) 60 million km2. c) 15 million km2. 6. In the East the USA is washed by: a) The Indian Ocean, b) The Pacific Ocean, c) The Atlantic Ocean. 7. In the West the USA is washed by: d) The Atlantic Ocean, e) The Indian Ocean, f) The Pacific Ocean. 8. What is the highest mountain in the USA? d) The Cordillera, e) The Sierra Nevada, f) The Appalachia. 9. What is the national sport in America? a) Tennis b) Baseball c) Football 10. What are the colors of the flag? a) Red, white and blue b) Red, green and blue c) Red, yellow and blue 11. How many stars and stripes are there on the American flag? a) 15 and 30 b) 50 and 13 c) 13 and 60 12. National flag of America is called: a) “States and Stripes” b) “Stars and States” c) “Stars and Stripes” 13. One of the Great Lakes is: a) Lake Pinto b) Lake Salt c) Lake Superior 14. The longest river in the USA is: a) Missouri b) Mississippi c) Michigan 15. The cultural level of America is: a) Very low b) Middle c) Very high 16. How many Great Lakes are there in America? a) 5 b) 6 c) 7 17. National anthem is: a) “The Star-spangled Panned” b) “The Star- spangled Banner” c) “The Star-spangled Manner” 18. National bird is: a) Bald parrot b) Bald eagle c) Bald cock 19. Americans measure the periods of time: a) In weeks b) In months c) In days 20. Write the right variant of American date (9 мая 2008 год) a) 05.09.08 b) 09.05.08 c) 08.09.05 21. Напишите названия тех Национальных парков, которые вы запомнили(на русском языке) Questions. №8 1. What is the national sport in America? a) Tennis b) Baseball c) Football 2. How many people live in America? a) 270 million people. b) 170 million people. c) 370 million people. 3. Washington is named after: a) The first state in America b) The first president of America c) The river 4. What is the highest mountain in the USA? a) The Cordillera, b) The Sierra Nevada, c) The Appalachia. 5. How many stars and stripes are there on the American flag? a) 15 and 30 b) 50 and 13 c) 13 and 60 6. What is the capital of the USA? a) London b) New York c) Washington 7. What are the colors of the flag? a) Red, white and blue b) Red, green and blue c) Red, yellow and blue 8. Who discovered America? a) Christopher Columbus b) Christopher Wren c) Tomas Jefferson 9. In the East the USA is washed by: a) The Indian Ocean, b) The Pacific Ocean, c) The Atlantic Ocean. 10. In the West the USA is washed by: a) The Atlantic Ocean, b) The Indian Ocean, c) The Pacific Ocean. 11. What is the total area of the USA? a) 9,6 million km2. b) 60 million km2. c) 15 million km2. 12. The longest river in the USA is: a) Missouri b) Mississippi c) Michigan 13. One of the Great Lakes is: a) Lake Pinto b) Lake Salt c) Lake Superior 14. How many Great Lakes are there in America? a) 5 b) 6 c) 7 15. The cultural level of America is: a) Very low b) Middle c) Very high 16. National flag of America is called: a) “States and Stripes” b) “Stars and States” c) “Stars and Stripes” 17. National anthem is: a) “The Star-spangled Panned” b) “The Star- spangled Banner” c) “The Star-spangled Manner” 18. National bird is: a) Bald parrot b) Bald eagle c) Bald cock 19. Americans measure the periods of time: a) In weeks b) In months c) In days 20. Write the right variant of American date (9 мая 2008 год) a) 05.09.08 b) 09.05.08 c) 08.09.05 21. Напишите названия тех Национальных парков, которые вы запомнили(на русском языке) Пожалуйста, оцените конспект - Олимпиада по английскому язвку на тему "США": |
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